IT development for remote monitoring of heat treatment furnaces

This is a monumental industrial project, which combines the unique software development wih the industrial environment. An innovative solution was introduced into the production of transformer at Siemens Energy ltd.
The aim of the project was to create a system using UPS for continious power supply and telecontrolling. This project consisted the installation of the UPS, development of the application and building busconnection for the telecontrolling. This busconnection collects the data of stove’s regulator and store it in the database.
The system which collects the data from the drying stove makes it feasible to interfere into the production to make sure the continious capacity.
In the scope of the project not only unique software development was needed, but also onsite, automation and power-current installation. The UPS ensures the continious power supply in case of outage and the application monitors the stove’s data and analyze the updated information. It is also possible to check the evens history in teh application. Additionaly the system sends alarms in case of any events via emails and SMS, so all stakeholder can be informed immediately and it gives the ooportuntity to interfere which increases the quality and capacity of the production.
During the project the following technology was used, PLC programming, MySQL, JVM(Java Virtual Machine). The team used agile method during the development, which has the advantage of customer focus and continious cooperation.
This method ensures the highest value delivery to the customer.
Similar systems can be used in the other area of the industry, where it is critical if the process is paused for a shorter time. This area can be the processes where heating is involved.
Challenges during the project
Hardware acquisition and their integration into enterprise ecosystem was one of the biggest challenges we have faced during development.
From technological point of view the continuous development without interruptions (e.g. scheduled shutdowns without lost production) was the biggest challenge. The module installation of our automation system’s components could be solved by shutting down the industrial furnaces and then switching off the power completely. This posed serious logistical challenges for this large-scales and continuously working system, as cooling and reheating the furnaces could also cause production outages.
Integration of new components into enterprise ecosystem sometimes took 3 times more than it has been estimated together with the Customer because of the workflows, decision-making mechanisms and slow acquisition processes (planning and implementing the connected LAN and WAN communication platform)
The team had to adjust the deadlines and milestones taken in consideration the production cycles, continuously refining our workflow, and at times ramping up the team’s staffing.

Team Composition
The team has been built up on agile concepts and the composition were changed during the cooperation. During the complex Industry 4.0 development, it has been assigned 2 senior architect and software engineers: one on the industrial automation side and one for the rest of other covered fields as backend development, DevOps, mobile application development. The whole team has been split into two separated sub team: automation as well as the supporting development. Based on requirements and phase of development we have covered the following areas, using the following staffing:
- Client: Siemens-Energy
- Year: 2021
- Sector: Industry
- Type: Industry 4.0
- Duration: 6 months
- Model: Hybrid
- Localisation: HU, EN, DE