Fewer software developers are questioning the potential of generative artificial intelligence to speed up projects and increase efficiency by up to 30 percent. Development teams that have not yet adopted the new technology are at a competitive disadvantage. The AI4DEV course is the solution: by completing a targeted course, developers will have AI in their toolbox and shorten the implementation time. More experienced professionals will find the best practices presented in the course useful.
Generative AI is a versatile tool, but this versatility is confusing: there is no one royal road to its application.
The efficiency gains the technology promises are not easily achieved, it’s not like buying a boxed product and then installing it.
This means that each development team should dedicate its own time and resources – in parallel with its existing tasks and projects – to explore how an AI tool can be integrated into daily practice.
This phase is anything but efficient: the workload increases while experimentation is going on that, at the beginning, you have no idea how long it will take or exactly where it will lead.
Instead of uncertainty: AI4DEV

From AI4DEV course replaces this tentative, experimental phase: during the 3 + 1 training days, participants will gain the practical knowledge to accelerate the implementation of the technology into their daily software development practice.
The course focuses not on theory, but on knowledge that can be applied in everyday work, so participants will start applying what they have learned at the end of the training.
The great advantages of the training are interaction and personalisation.
Because of the interactive relationship, there is no static information transfer, but participants discuss real issues from their everyday professional life with the training leader; for example, the problem of hallucination or the practical reliability of AI recommendations.
Each participant is dealt with personally by the trainers.
Personalization is another big advantage of AI4DEV: on day 3, participants will work on sample use cases, which will be developed by the organizers based on the team’s interests, typical tasks, and daily practice. The introduction and familiarization with GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT is the basis. Still, the real value is that best practices developed on real projects will be presented at AI4DEV, which is new for senior developers with GitHub Copilot experience.
After the training, you will stay in touch with the AI4DEV trainers, who will assess the success of the implementation on the +1 training day.
A summary presentation for managers and CIOs will show the progress of the participating team in terms of efficiency, attitude and motivation.
Learning from someone who has been down the road
Practicality is also guaranteed by the fact that the organizers and trainers of the course, experienced professionals from the software development company ITware, have put together the AI4DEV course based on nearly half a decade of AI experience. The lead trainer, Péter Bessenyei, Chief Architect at ITware, has more than 20 years of experience in software development.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis
Development teams who do not want to be at a competitive disadvantage in AI can apply at www.ai4dev.net.
ITware, the organiser, has been advertising more and more open dates since the training started.