Social responsibility
Our company considers it extremely important to support and nurture young talents and bring the world of IT to those who would otherwise be inaccessible. We have already supported them:
- Látó-tér Foundation
- Rex Kutyaotthon (Dog Shelter Foundation)
- Educational institutions under COVID

Látó-Tér Foundation
It is a non-profit organization, which mostly helps visually impaired people in the field of informatics, sports and culture with a rehabilitation-type program and service. Because we believe that learning computer skills and learning about the Internet we have been supporting the organization for a long time.
- This year, we supported the purchase of music therapy equipment
- Our enthusiastic volunteer colleagues painted and downsized the dormitories of the blind kindergarten
Rex Dog Home Foundation
We have offered our FLEETware vehicle tracking service to the Rex Dog Home Foundation, completely free of charge. With this, we wanted to support and help the tired and selfless work of the foundation’s employees.
Dr. István Koleszár, the director of the foundation, happily accepted our offer and personally visited us so that we could install the tracking devices as soon as possible. “Animals depend on us and count on us. Let’s not let them down! ”
Helping Schools
The virus epidemic has caused many difficulties in education as schools were not prepared for the full digital switchover. Our company considers it extremely important to help the next generation, so we have offered our three servers to the educational institutions.
- One of these schools became the Antal Nagy Budai High school in the 22nd district, where the servers will help one more IT classroom.
- The other one was Géza Gárdonyi Primary School in Galgagyörk. So far all school materials have been emailed to each other by teachers, and our server will help us to have a common repository for all staff in the faculty.
- The third school is the Móricz István High School in Szentendre, where it was a problem to hold IT lessons for two classes at the same time, because their system was stuttered by overload.